
Filter to determine which Request records are returned.

Input Fields

account (AccountReferenceFilter)

Filter on Account.

addressed (Boolean)

Include only if Addressed matches supplied value.

affectedService (ServiceReferenceFilter)

Filter on Affected service.

affectedServiceInstance (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Affected service instance.

affectedServiceProvider (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Affected service provider.

affectedSla (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Affected service level agreement.

agileBoard (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Agile board.

agileBoardColumn (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Agile board column.

businessUnit (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Business unit.

category (RequestCategoryFilter)

Filter on Category.

ci (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Configuration item.

completedAt (DateTimeFilter)

Completed in supplied range.

completionReason (RequestCompletionReasonFilter)

Filter on Completion reason.

createdAt (DateTimeFilter)

Created in supplied range.

createdBy (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Created by.

customFilters ([RequestCustomFilter!])

One or more filters on the values of custom fields.

desiredCompletionAt (DateTimeFilter)

Desired completion in supplied range.

downtimeEndAt (DateTimeFilter)

Downtime end in supplied range.

downtimeStartAt (DateTimeFilter)

Downtime start in supplied range.

feedbackOnKnowledgeArticle (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Feedback on knowledge article.

groupedInto (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Grouped into.

grouping (RequestGroupingFilter)

Filter on Grouping.

id (IDFilter)

Filter on node ID.

impact (RequestImpactFilter)

Filter on Impact.

knowledgeArticle (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Knowledge article.

lastNoteByRequester (Boolean)

Include only if Last note by requester matches supplied value.

majorIncidentStatus (RequestMajorIncidentStatusFilter)

Filter on Major incident status.

member (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Member.

mentioningMe (Boolean)

Include only if Mentioning me matches supplied value.

nextTargetAt (DateTimeFilter)

Next target in supplied range.

nextTargetIndication (TargetIndicationFilter)

Target indication filter on Next target.

operatingSystem (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Operating system.

organization (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Requester organization.

organizationRegion (OrganizationRegionFilter)

Filter on Requester organization region.

problem (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Problem.

product (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Product.

productBacklog (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Product backlog.

productBrand (ProductBrandFilter)

Filter on Product brand.

productCategory (ProductCategoryEnumFilter)

Filter on Product category.

project (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Project.

providerNotAccountable (Boolean)

Include only if Provider not accountable matches supplied value.

providerWasNotAccountable (Boolean)

Include only if Provider was not accountable matches supplied value.

query (String)

Free format search query

registeredBySd (Boolean)

Include only if Registered by Service Desk matches supplied value.

requestId (RecordIdFilter)

Filter on record ID as displayed in UI

requestedBy (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Requested by.

requestedFor (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Requester.

requestedForSite (SiteReferenceFilter)

Filter on Site.

requestedForVip (Boolean)

Include only if Requested for VIP matches supplied value.

respondedAt (DateTimeFilter)

Responded in supplied range.

respondent (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Person.

response (RequestResponseFilter)

Filter on Response.

satisfaction (RequestSatisfactionFilter)

Filter on Satisfaction.

satisfactionAt (DateTimeFilter)

Responded in supplied range.

sentiment (RequestSentimentFilter)

Filter on Sentiment.

sentimentTrend (RequestSentimentTrendFilter)

Filter on Sentiment trend.

service (ServiceReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service.

serviceCategory (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service category.

serviceInstance (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service instance.

serviceOwner (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service owner.

serviceProblemManager (PersonReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service problem manager.

serviceProvider (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Service provider.

slaCustomer (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Customer.

slaCustomerAccount (AccountReferenceFilter)

Filter on Customer account.

slaCustomerRegion (OrganizationRegionFilter)

Filter on Customer region.

slaProviderAccount (AccountReferenceFilter)

Filter on Provider account.

slaServiceProvider (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Id.

source (StringFilter)

Filter on Source.

sourceID (StringFilter)

Filter on Source ID.

status (RequestStatusFilter)

Filter on Status.

subject (TextFilter)

Filter on Subject.

supplier (OrganizationReferenceFilter)

Filter on Supplier.

supplierRequestID (StringFilter)

Filter on Supplier request ID.

supplierRequestid (StringFilter)

Filter on Supplier request ID - deprecated please use supplierRequestID.

tag (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Tag.

team (TeamReferenceFilter)

Filter on Team.

template (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Template.

updatedAt (DateTimeFilter)

Updated in supplied range.

urgent (Boolean)

Include only if Urgent matches supplied value.

workflow (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Workflow.

workflowCategory (RequestWorkflowCategoryFilter)

Filter on Workflow category.

workflowStatus (RequestWorkflowStatusFilter)

Filter on Workflow status.

workflowTemplate (ReferenceFilter)

Filter on Workflow template.

workflowType (WorkflowTypeEnumFilter)

Filter on Workflow type.