Collections of resources are always ordered. Therefore each model defines a default sort order.
Usually this is ascending by name
(e.g. for Services) or descending by id
(e.g. for Requests).
To change the ordering provide the ?sort=
parameter. Multiple fields must be separated with a comma.
Fields are sorted in ascending order, unless they are prepended with a minus sign.
$ curl https://api.xurrent.com/v1/requests?sort=-status,impact,-id
Only a subset of the available fields may be used. If a different field is provided a Bad Request response will be returned. The documentation on that specific resource defines the sortable fields.
$ curl https://api.xurrent.com/v1/requests?sort=problem
status: 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"message": "Sorting not allowed on fields: problem"